Dean's Messages

March 7, 2018

People often ask me, "What fuels your passion for diversity?" The reasons originate on a personal level, as they surmise, then quickly extend to the social.

December 12, 2017

My first year as dean—technically my first 348 days—has been both intense and invigorating. Together we are successfully ensuring that the work of Weill Cornell Medicine—its commitment to compassionate care, academic scholarship, and teaching excellence—continues stronger than ever before. With an exceptionally knowledgeable and dedicated senior leadership team in place, we are moving forward across our mission, developing our next strategic plan, and readying ourselves to face the challenges that lie ahead.

October 2, 2017

During the past several months, our country has seen dramatic shifts in policy and witnessed events that have deeply challenged our communities. Especially at this time, it is essential that we reaffirm--with frequency and conviction--our commitment to diversity, science, and the pursuit of knowledge. We stand by all members of our talented and wide-ranging Weill Cornell Medicine family, who hail from all corners of the world and are united in our desire to understand disease and improve human health.

August 2, 2017

Research is a core component of our mission.  Foundational discovery, translational studies that bring laboratory breakthroughs to the patient, clinical research, and clinical trials are all essential activities at Weill Cornell Medicine that must continue to be supported.

June 8, 2017

Mentoring has been very important to me throughout my career and is one of my top priorities as dean. By fostering a vigorous and dynamic culture of mentorship throughout Weill Cornell Medicine, I believe that we can break through into the national arena as a triple-threat institution--at an even higher level than where we currently stand.

May 9, 2017

As the academic year draws to a close, it is an honor to reflect on the achievements of our community and to look forward to developments that will accelerate our efforts to care, discover, and teach.

April 18, 2017

Science is not a partisan activity. However, in light of debates currently taking place in the national arena, I wanted to acknowledge the concerns that many of you have regarding federal funding for medical research. As your dean and as a recipient of government research grants myself, I share your unease.

March 1, 2017

The past six weeks since being named dean of this great institution have been exhilarating.  I have been meeting extensively with Overseers, senior administration, faculty, staff, students, and partners and learning even more about the many different ways we are working collaboratively to advance Weill Cornell Medicine's mission. I am continually struck by the passion and commitment of members of our community working across fields and departments, and I thank all of you for your support, your feedback, and your enthusiasm in helping Weill Cornell Medicine attain even greater heights of excellence.

December 8, 2016

As the year draws to a close, it is heartening to reflect on the advances at Weill Cornell Medicine (WCM) that will help make 2017 even better for people across the city and around the globe.

September 28, 2016

It's an exciting time at Weill Cornell Medicine, and I am honored to serve as interim dean as we continue to grow on all fronts.

University Statements

An archive of statements by Cornell leaders addressing matters of importance to the university community